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Learn every chord shape, variation, and scale--in every key--with this FREE e-book.

It’s the ultimate guide to mastering the building blocks of music on the piano.

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your FREE E-Book instantly.

By signing up you’ll also receive our ongoing free lessons and special offers. Don’t worry, we value your privacy and you can unsubscribe at any time.



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Master Every Chord.
Every Scale. In Every Key.

Chords and scales are the building blocks of all music.

This book is your blueprint.

With this comprehensive 174-page E-Book, you’ll know every chord shape, variation, and scale in EVERY key. Color diagrams make it easy to play any chord even if you can’t read music notation.

You’ll get:

  • Major scales
  • Minor scales (all 3)
  • Blues scales
  • Pentatonic scales
  • Major chords (all inversions)
  • Minor chords (all inversions)
  • 7th chords (all inversions)
  • Sus chords

Take A Look Inside.

Click to see inside the book!

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Is this really free?

Yes! We love sharing videos to help piano players — and deep down we hope you’ll see some of the value that we provide inside Pianote juuuuust in case you ever want to consider joining!

Why do I need to give my email address?

Secretly, we’re hoping to start a relationship with you. This is our way of saying “Hey we create awesome piano lessons, can we show you?” Don’t worry, we won’t send you spam or share your email address with anybody else. You’ll get exactly what’s promised on this page along with ongoing piano videos, free lessons, and some special offers. And if you don’t like our emails, you can unsubscribe at any time.

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Master Every Chord.
Every Scale. In Every Key.

Enter your email address to get
your FREE E-Book instantly.

By signing up you’ll also receive our ongoing free lessons and special offers. Don’t worry, we value your privacy and you can unsubscribe at any time.



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