Cassi Falk  /  Technique
How To Use The Sustain Pedal (Sound INSTANTLY Better)
Learn the use the sustain pedal the right way to make you sound instantly better.

Cassi Falk  /  Technique
Finding Your Fingering On The Piano
How to know WHICH fingers to use for which notes.

Cassi Falk  /  Play Faster
Hanon – The Most Versatile Exercise On The Piano
Develop greater finger control, improve your speed and your dexterity.

Cassi Falk  /  Technique
Play Piano Chords Pain-Free
Feeling tension in your hands? Try these exercises to loosen up and play pain-free.

Cassi Falk  /  Rhythm Theory
Understanding Cut Time (Alla Breve)
You don't need scissors. Here's your intro to "Cut Time" and how it's used.

Cassi Falk  /  Rhythm Theory
Counting Complicated Rhythms On Piano
How to get past that tricky section and master complicated rhythms.

Cassi Falk  /  Hand Independence
Hand Independence Boot Camp
Are you ready? Report for duty and work that left hand. Warning -- it's not a walk in the park!

Cassi Falk  /  Musicianship
Tips For Playing The Piano Beautifully
The title says it all. Play more beautifully and sound better.

Cassi Falk  /  Play Faster
How To Develop Dexterity At The Piano
Limber up your fingers to help you play faster and more in control.

Cassi Falk  /  Technique
How To Play Trills and Embellishments
Learn the secrets to make your trills "sparkle".

Cassi Falk  /  Sight Reading
Music Theory For The Dropouts #7 – How To Tackle A New Piece Of Music
Sight reading tips and tricks on how to tackle a new piece of music for the first time.

Cassi Falk  /  Scales and Keys
Music Theory For The Dropouts #6 – The Circle Of Fifths
If you’ve ever looked at your keyboard practice plan and wonder "where do I go from here?"...well then this lesson is for you!

Cassi Falk  /  Theory
Music Theory For The Dropouts #5 – Learning Chords Is Easy
Chords are one of the most important tools in any musician’s pocket.  Everyone’s gotta know them.  Luckily, they’re very simple to learn! First, let’s get down to the basics and define a chord.  Chords are made up of 3 to 4 notes (sometimes more).  In the language of music, you can think of them like you […]

Cassi Falk  /  Scales and Keys
Music Theory For The Dropouts #4 – Major & Minor Scales
The relationship between major and minor scales is one of the most important in music. Once you understand it, everything will open up for you.  

Cassi Falk  /  Sight Reading
Music Theory For The Dropouts #3 – Music Symbols
You’ve probably come upon strange looking symbols. Let’s take a look at some of the most common symbols you’ll find and what they mean musically.  

Cassi Falk  /  Sight Reading
Music Theory For The Dropouts #2 – The Grand Staff Demystified
This lesson is about giving you some easy ways to read the pitches of notes on the grand staff.

Cassi Falk  /  Rhythm Theory
Music Theory For The Dropouts #1 – Rhythm
Rhythm is one of those elements that a lot of musicians take for granted. Let’s look at a few simple rhythmic values.

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