Banner showing chords and scales spiral bound book with text “Piano Chords & Scales Reference Book By Pianote - The Ultimate Resource for Piano Players - Get It Now.”

Lisa Witt  /  Theory
Piano Music Theory That’s Actually Useful!
A no-nonsense guide to piano music theory you can actually use. Build scales, build chords, understand rhythm, and play songs.

Lisa Witt  /  Sight Reading
How To Read Notes Part 2
One of the most important skill sets to have as a piano player is knowing how to read musical notes so you can learn to play songs you love.

Sam Vesely  /  Chord Progressions
Beautiful Piano Music With One Interval
Play beautiful piano music with the mysterious and often-overlooked Major 6th chord. We've got some quick tips and tricks for you.

Lisa Witt  /  Styles
Pop vs. Classical: You Love Classical Music (You Just Don’t Know It)
Pop or classical? Why not both! The music you know and love takes a huge inspiration from classical pieces. Don't believe us? We'll show you!

Lisa Witt  /  Scales and Keys
How to Play Minor Scales on the Piano
Learn how to play minor scales on the piano to create your own beautiful sounds.

Lisa Witt  /  Sight Reading
I Suck At Reading Music
I've always struggled to read music. In fact, I had to repeat levels because I never learned to read the notes. Here's how I changed...

Lisa Witt  /  Sight Reading
Making Sense of Music Symbols (Piano Lesson)
Sharps, Flats, Naturals? Find out what they all mean and how to read them.

Lisa Witt  /  Hand Independence
Should You Practice Contrary Motion Scales?
How contrary motion scales could be the "secret sauce" in your practice routine.

Lisa Witt  /  Scales and Keys
Is the Circle of 5ths Useless?
What is the Circle of 5ths and what's it for? In this lesson, you'll learn all you need to know to start using this key theory concept

Lisa Witt  /  Chord Theory
How To Build A Chord On ANY Key
Learn the chord formula to play a major or minor chord on ANY note on the piano. The chord formula is easy to remember!

Lisa Witt  /  Sight Reading
How To Read Ledger Lines (Fast & Easy)
Take your music reading outside the musical staff. Ledger Lines can look confusing but they're not too hard to understand.

Lisa Witt  /  Rhythm Theory
Create Emotion Using Simple Rhythms
Why changing rhythm ... changes everything. How to use rhythm to create beautiful emotional music.

Lisa Witt  /  Practice
Make Scales Fun (I Bet You Didn’t Know They Could Sound Like This!)
Practicing scales can be kinda boring. Here's how to make scales fun in a way I bet you haven't heard before.

Lisa Witt  /  Scales and Keys
Why Are There 3 Different Minor Scales?
Natural, Melodic, Harmonic. What they mean and how to play them.

Cassi Falk  /  Rhythm Theory
How To Play Complicated Rhythms
The simple trick to make complicated rhythms easy.

Lisa Witt  /  Sight Reading
How To Read Music Faster
Sight-reading tips to help you skim through the pages.

Lisa Witt  /  Scales and Keys
How To Change Keys In A Song
3 tips to help you change keys during a song.

Lisa Witt  /  Scales and Keys
Play A Song In Any Key on The Piano
Don't like the key of Gb major? Change it!

Lisa Witt  /  Chord Theory
Understanding Chord Inversions
Chord inversions 101. Everything you need to know to play better.

Lisa Witt  /  Rhythm Theory
How To Read Notes
Learn to connect the dots on a page to the keys on the piano

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